Organisations wishing to thrive and gain competitive advantage over the next decades should focus on delivering meaningful benefits in a world that is struggling to sustain the growing demands of the 9.6 billion people that will inhabit our blue planet by the middle of the century.
Being creatively conservative is not a recipe for success during a revolutionary period. If leaders want to be successful tomorrow, they need to embark today, on bold quests that take civilisation to the next level. Google is often criticised for investing in nascent innovations such as self-driving cars, cracking the ageing code or stratospheric communication balloons. Larry Page and Sergey Brin the founders of Google, however, are questers and they know that success in the 21st century comes from betting on what Page calls more ‘moonshots’ that make a difference to society.
Questers recognise that the rules for competitive advantage has shifted and those catching this new wave in the art of leadership are delivering exceptional returns.
We need more bold, courageous leaders and organisations to embark on quests, to challenge the paradigms of what is considered impossible. Yes, it will require raising strategic vision from the short- to the longer term and yes, it will involve taking risks and some big gambles. But those who do will be rewarded as the requirements of society change.
Quests involve flirting with failure, experimenting, discovering new learning, embracing difference, being agile and taking risks. This flies in the very face of the entrenched Industrial Revolution management mindset that strives for conformity compliance and control, the 3Cs of management. Times are a shifting and competitive advantage now comes from a very different way of doing business and leading people.
Are you ready for the Age of Quests?